
Abode Premises


The thoughtful architectural design makes THE ABODE School of Dreams a learner-friendly modern educational facility. The ‘a walk into the nature’ theme of premises intends to make children sit on the lap of Mother Nature, the eternal teacher of all the wisdom-filled life-lessons and act as a constant reminder of the great contemporary era of wisdom our proud nation was habitual of celebrating!

The School Premises has been thoughtfully designed to provide for optimum space utilisation not only for teaching but also for a variety of other academic engagements & developmental needs of the pupils, keeping in mind the golden rule of ‘safety-first’.

Adream tree house, a thrilling adventure zone, a vivacious fountain, a theatrical auditorium – and the list goes on. A centralised humongous open library inscribed in the life-giving back-bone of our premises - the Wisdom Tree - denotes the strong foundation of our Philosophy of excelling excellence through learning from not just the books but everything.

With its strongly firm foundation, the overall premises of THE ABODE School of Dreams further signifies the School’s aspiration to gift to its children the stronger and deeper roots to grow & lighter and gigantic wings to fly!

Child-Centred Premises

Each nook and cranny of the School Premises has been utilised to provide an enriching environment for our pupils which opens up the following play opportunities:

  • Out-of-doors play offering touch which includes sand and water play, climbing etc.
  • Fantasy play involving "dressing up" and “role play”.
  • Creative play like painting, collage, dough modelling, pottery, cutting and sticking, etc.
  • Cognitive play would include problem-solving with puzzles, educational games, construction kits and blocks.
  • Imaginative Play aims to imbibe cultural, spiritual and ethical values through ancient story-telling.