Our Mission Our Vision



"No education is greater than the one that introduces you to yourself"

The ABODE means Home. It is the dwelling where everyone finds solace. Nothing explains Abode better than this priceless 2000 years old ancient wisdom written in Prakrut Language by the great Indian Sage Aacharya KundKunda Dev:

।।आदा हि मे सरणं।।
।।मेरे लिये मैं ही शरण हूँ।।
That, to me, My Self is the only Abode.

The ABODE School of Dreams is a New Age school with the ambition & commitment to provide a thought provoking and life-crafting educational experience to children – one that will encourage them to realise their true selves, the purpose of their lives & enable their allembracing development. In the pursuit of this goal, the School’s curriculum draws on the Ancient Indian Framework along with the National & International guidelines. The School offers a fine blend of curricular & co-curricular elements such that it all evolve the children to be more responsible towards ethical, cultural, natural, spiritual & global aspects of life.

The Present day Sciences & Discoveries have made us so close to the Material world of Gadgets and Machines that we have come at a great distances away from our own selves. Result - it has critically damaged the back bones of our ideals. Now, Greed is running in our blood cells, Competition is our new way of dealing with neighbours, Happiness could be bought in drugs, alcohol and cinema, the Violence, terrorism and Social ills are on the constant rise and the list goes on.

THE ABODE School of Dreams is fashioned with the sole intention to come back to our humane ideals. It is an attempt to make education soulful again, to let our children be more close to life than to Machines, to let the creators of tomorrow make stronger friendship with nature than they will have with TVs & Gadgets, to let them learn how to treat & respect humans before they learn to handle machines & to let them be wise enough to be aware of the consequences of their thoughts and actions.