“To a child’s eye, world is a wonderful dwelling: full of magic, goodness & adventure where animals are friendly, humans are loving and the nature is adorable; where anything is possible. We consider it our duty to make them realise that if they keep on believing so, the world would remain so.”

THE ABODE School of Dreams

The ABODE School of Dreams is a New Age school with the ambition & commitment to provide a thought provoking and life-crafting educational experience to children – one that will encourage them to realise their true selves, the purpose of their lives & enable their allembracing development.

THE ABODE School of Dreams

In the pursuit of this goal, the School’s curriculum draws on the Ancient Indian Framework along with the National & International guidelines. The School offers a fine blend of curricular & co-curricular elements such that it all evolve the children to be more responsible towards ethical, cultural, natural, spiritual & global aspects of life.

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Our Philosophy

Because Children Come First:

  • We strictly follow the harmonious & altruistic way of life where each soul is respected, not just humans. We take proud in following the Principles of Non-violence, truth, vegetarianism & peace.
  • We strongly believe in the Value-based Education. We are living in Information Age where mugging data & numbers is redundant. The question is, do we have the character to use education responsibly such that it benefits all?
  • We religiously follow the ideals of Soulitude which means that we respect life no matter in what form it is and flourish the ethos of love & respect for all living-beings no matter in what form they are. Nonviolence is what makes us Human.
  • We respect a child’s mother tongue more than any other language because in that language will his brightest ideas dwell.
  • We strongly believe in the institution that a family is.
  • We have immense respect for mother earth & its priceless resources and therefore, we strictly follow the principle of Judiciousness.
  • Ever wondered what books are made up of? Pages. And Pages? Trees. Yes, books share knowledge because they are made up of the symbol of Wisdom – the trees. We admire & adore nature and to us, “An education that does not connect the child with mother earth is not an education at all.”
  • We aren’t any religious group but we aren’t atheist either. We follow the religion of Humanity whose God is the true nature of one’s self.
  • “Children learn from us the lessons lesser valuable than the ones they already know, live & teach.” – We are here to learn from children their sanctity, truthfulness and wholesomeness.
  • A child learns more by our actions, least by our words. We believe in living with example to have everlasting effect on children.
  • We do not claim to have all answers but we believe in the power of curiosity and respect questions
  • Imbibing a sense of self, respect for mother tongue & earth & dignity to lead a respectful, honest & noble life is what we, through The Abode Family, work for.


The Present day Education System and Increasing Materialism is stealing from our children the most precious season of their lifetime - their lively & colourful childhood.

By putting our children in the blind race of unnecessary competition, we are naively indulged in the process of killing their imagination, creativity & dreams and unknowingly, we only are making their easy lives dull & complex.

THE ABODE School of Dreams is passionately determined and committed to address the atrocities that face the childhood of our children by revamping the Education System and Imbibing life-crafting core values in both - the Child and the Parent.

Let this beautifully made short film "ALIKE" by Daniel Martinez & Rafa Cano Mendez keep you wondering on what we as a society are doing to our Children and what THE ABODE School of Dreams is committed to change.